Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Maureen Kingston

The No-Account Stick Figure

a stray to be corralled=tallied=the prison door’s crossbar

            This old man, he played one,

the lone fuse=sizzing atop the cartoon bomb

            He played knick-knack on my thumb;

his hash-marked torso=proof no prod was spared

            With a knick-knack patty-whack,

the mutt basting his dead shin=imagining shank en brochette 

            Give the dog a bone,

the vagabond=hanged by his vowels=in a child’s guessing game

            This old man came rolling home.

Maureen Kingston lives and works in eastern Nebraska.  Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Centrifugal Eye, Constellations, Emerge Literary Journal, Lily, The Meadowland Review, Psychic Meatloaf, Stone Highway Review and Terrain.org.